Hey, hey! Hello, Thursday!
Today is my last full day of work this week! Can I get a big high five for that!? Tomorrow is a half day in our office and, because the doctor I work for is on vacation next week, my co-worker and I will just be splitting some mornings next week to keep up on our work…I know we’re all looking forward to this little break!
Thursday is always the perfect day to share some random thoughts, right!? I mean, “Thursday” and “thoughts” both start with ‘th’ and we love alliteration, don’t we!? And, by we, I mean us bloggers, writers, and English lovers out there. Are you one of those people? Not surprisingly, I am! Duh.
Okay, so here are some things that have been going on around here. A lot of them I have shared on Instagram…do follow me!?
**Last week, my dad, my husband, and I went golfing with my 93-year-old grandpap. He was an amazing golfer in his younger days and hasn’t been out in a few years and had been asking to go. I think it goes without saying that it was one of the best afternoons of my life.
**Overnight oats will never get old. Or, I could could also call them “Morning oats that are in a jar for only an hour.” Recently, I’ve been throwing my mix in a jar before I leave for work and just eating them when I get there. They are still awesome! My favorite combo currently: oats, cashew milk, cinnamon, brown sugar, chia seeds, blueberries.
**I love this girl with all of my heart. Her name is April and she was the first friend I made when I met my husband and moved to a new area. She lives down the street, is my outlet for so many things, and someone I can always count on. Recently, she made the decision to join one of my challenge groups and she kicked butt! I am so proud of her and definitely see her as an inspiration!
**I absolutely love going out to eat. Like, totally, love it, for real. Yep, I do enjoy cooking at home but, for me, nothing beats heading out for a dinner date with my husband and just talking while we sip on coffee or a beer. I feel like being out is a way to step away from the distractions that can happen at home. It’s just you, your company, and delicious food. Don’t worry, I do make an effort to get my healthy eating in while I’m out!
**Since I mentioned beer in my last thought, I’ll give a little shout out to a local brewery that is fairly new to our town. It is called Levity and we are, pretty much, obsessed with it. The atmosphere, the beer, the patrons, and the owners are amazing! This past weekend I tried a blueberry ale…and it was amazing…especially, when paired with my aqua nails!
**Lettuce wraps have taken over in our house. I was a little hesitant to intro them to the hubs…I mean, he’s not a salad man and I was going to try to feed him a lettuce leaf? I was skeptical. However, one, night, I made tacos and only gave him the option of lettuce for his shell. He loved it. I was shocked. Now, we eat them with everything. Below, they are stuffed with a tuna + pepper mix.
**I have a pretty crazy Jazzercise schedule coming up. We have a couple girls out on vacation and, since my work schedule is light, I’m doing what I can to help out and cover. I have eleven classes crammed into eight days. Last night, I got my first two out of the way. Only nine more to go. We got this!
Have a fabulous day!
Share a random thought with me!
Do you like going out to eat?
If you’re an overnight oats fan, share your favorite combo!